Sunday in Ordinary Time
Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Fr. Jim McCreight's 50th Jubilee of Priesthood
Sunday, May 27th at 9:45am Mostly English Mass
Followed by Reception afterwards.
Padre Jaime celebrará su 50 años de Sacerdocio
Domingo, 27 de mayo a las 9:45am La Mayoria en
Ingles con luego un compartir.
4th Easter Sunday: The Good Shepherd
Vol. 92 No. 16 April 22, 2018
4º Domingo Pascual: El Buen Pastor
Alleluia! ¡Aleluya!
Christ is Risen! Christ is truly risen!
¡Cristo Resucitó! ¡De veras resucitó!
Masses/ Misas:
4th Easter Sunday April 22 4º Domingo Pascual
+Readings: Acts 4:8-12; 1 Jn 3:1-2; Jn 10:11-18
9:45am In memory of John Schmidt, Jr+ and Helen
Kundrac; and the health of Fitsum, Semhar, Makbel,
and Abrhatsion.
12noon En memoria de Ana Yeritza Reyes+, Juan Jose Lopez+, Juana Velasquez+, y Flavio Tipaz+
Monday April 23 Lunes
St. George, Martyr; Saint Adalbert, Bishop and Martyr
+Readings: Acts 11:1-18; Jn 10:1-10
8am Deceased Members of Krosel Family
6:30pm Feligreses de San miguel
Tuesday April 24 Martes
Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Priest and Martyr
+ Readings: Acts 11:19-26; Jn 10:22-30
Wednesday April 25 Miércoles
Saint Mark, Evangelist
+ Readings: 1 Pt 11:19-26; Jn 16:15-20
8am Ursuline Sisters who are ill
5:30pm Holy Hour/ Hora Santa
6:30pm For the Vocation of Priest, Religious, and Lay
Thursday April 26 Jueves
+ Readings: Acts 13:13-25; Jn 13:16-20
8am Sister Reean Coyne+
6:30pm Los Jóvenes de Confirmación
Friday April 27 Viernes
+ Readings: Acts 13:26-33; Jn 14:1-6
Saturday April 28 Sábado
Fifth Sunday of Easter/ Quinto Domingo de Pascua
+Readings: Acts 9:18-24; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8
5pm Eradín Maldonado+ and Timoteo & María
7pm Axel Feliciano Santoni +
Anointing of the Sick is THIS Sunday, April 22nd at 9:45am Mass.
***Unción de los Enfermos en la misa del ESTE Domingo, 22 de Abril a las 12mediodia.
Offering Collections of LAST Week:
*5pm Mass:
Collected: $ 308.50 Attendance: 38
*7pm Misa:
Collected: $ 264.52 Attendance: 128
*9:45am Mass:
Collected: $ 898.67 Attendance: 128
*12mediodia Misa:
Collected: $ 825.35 Attendance: 257
4 Offering Total: $ 2,297.04 Attendance: 551 people
Thank you…. Gracias
*Mail Ins: $360.00 Envelopes: 3
Restoration: $1,119.75 Envelopes: 84
Easter Envelopes: $ 50.00 Envelopes: 1
Utilities: $ 470.35 Envelopes: 53
Lenten Folders: $ 26.25 Folders: 2
Sheep from the Flock of
Jesus Christ:
***Ovejitas del Rebaño de
PSR Schedule//
April 22nd: CLASS
April 29Th: LAST DAY
4th Children’s Festival 2018
Sunday, April 22nd, 2pm to 7pm
UMADAOP Youth Center, 3115 Scranton Road
Free Entrance. Entrada Gratis
Come to celebrate with us. These will be clowns, face painting, caricature art, bounce house, yoga posing, candy bags for the kids, toys, food, pizza, dance group, tumblers, singers, music, DJ, piñata, 50/50 raffle, participation of fire fighter department, police department, and other community organizations. For more information, donations, renting a table, or wanting to donate your time please call 216-323-6597 or 216-526-6305.
***El 4º Festival del Niño es el próximo Domingo. 22 de abril. Ven y celebra con payasos, face painting, caricature art, casa de saltar, yoga posing, bolsas de dulces, piñata, tumblers, rifa de tableta, gift basket, música y mucho más. Comuníquese al 216-323-6597 o 216-526-6305.
Message from Father Jim:
Memorial Day Weekend is the weekend of my anniversary mass at 9:45 in the morning. It is Trinity Sunday. Mass will be mostly in English because it is the language that we share, in common, as a parish. Some of the music will be in Spanish to recognize and celebrate the multicultural nature of our parish and of the Holy Catholic Church throughout the world.
***Mensaje de parte de Padre Jaime:
El fin de semana de misa aniversario es del día memorial, fin de semana de fiesta nacional, y muchos quieren ir a Misa temprano para salir después de viaje. Es la solemnidad de la Santísima Trinidad.
Les pido celebrar conmigo en una misa mayormente en ingles porque es el idioma común de nuestras oraciones en el misalito están en inglés y español.
Si quiere estar solamente en la Misa a las 12, vengan temprano para un desayuno conmigo antes de la Misa. Y si puede estar en la Misa de 9:45 también conmigo como una Misa extra ese día, mejor.
Con artistas aficionados locales
“La Palabra Viva”
Pronto más información
Soon a drama about Jesus and the Good Samaritan…
Congratulations! March 2018 Sweepstakes marzo ¡Felicidades!
Winners: Sellers:
Lucas Moyett same
Dolly Keberle Sue Krosel
Betty Kearney same
Jerry E. Dunn Alfonso Nazario
Serafin Solis Maria Solis
We wish to thank so much to Junior Quiñones for volunteering to paint the Assembly Room. His stewardship of time, talent, and treasure is much appreciated.
***Agradecemos mucho a Junior Quiñones por dar su tiempo voluntario para pintar el Salón de la Asamblea. Su Corresponsabilidad (mayordomía) del tiempo, el talento y el tesoro son muy apreciados.
Thank you to the St. Michael Benefit Food Sale Team for your generosity of volunteering your time and talent for this to be a success. As stated before, all proceeds go toward Saint Michael’s Expenses.
***Gracias al equipo de venta de comida de St. Michael Benefit por su generosidad de ofrecer su tiempo y talento. Todo fue un éxito. Como se ha dicho antes, todos los ingresos son para los gastos de San Miguel.
Summer Programs for children and adults with disabilities: Did you know that our Diocese offers summer programs for children and adults with disabilities? There are many options! These programs are a ministry to families who have children with disabilities. The summer programs offer respite and provide life-enhancing activities in a Catholic setting. They are a great way to meet new friends, learn new things and just have fun! If you have a family member with a developmental disability or know someone who does, contact Marilyn Scott, Program Director of Catholic Charities Disability Services, for more information at 216-334-2963 or
*** Programas de Verano para niños y adultos con deseabilidades a conocer nuevos amigos en un ambiente católico. Llame a Marilyn Scott al 216-334-2963.
Pray for the Sick:// Oremos por los enfermos:
Carol & Anna Mae McKalik; Rosendo & Norma Rivas; Rafael, María, Rosita, Deacon Moises Cruz; Ángel Luis García; Juan R García; Lauren Napoli; Sarah Gardner; Ana Carbajal; Stacia Herezi; Charlie Martin; Buddy Bell; Alfonso Nazario; Thelma Lebrón; Edwin Rosa, María Rodríguez, Víctor López, Julio López, José Charón, Lydia Santiago; Iván Ramos; Ava Lugo; Mario y Berta Valdivia; Isabel Cruz; Irving Rodríguez; Mary Catherine; Wilfredo Pérez; Felicita Lozano; Eleaina Pauley; Phyllis Lutz; Ed McCreight; Karla Velásquez & Richard Ríos; Don Bruno Díaz & Adriana Ortiz; Luz Cartagena; Thomas Kazanowski; Juan DeJesús; Aida Torres; Adam Victor; Norbert Wallington; Santiago Sánchez; Selena & Celina Corrigan; Catherine Brownlee: Wilfredo Santiago; Joanne Miller; John Olsen; Andrés Santiago; Bienvenido Garcia; Magdalia Rivera; Chris Stolecowski; Milagros Ruiz; Carmen Caraballo; Albert Perez; Efrain Matos; Pablo & Vilma Molina; Maximo & Olga Estremera; Edwin & Wendy Orengo; Edwin Merced; Connie Lunter; Margarann Thomas; Nicole Cartolin, Beverly Erny, and Linda Zunt.